Be sure to ask the people you reach out for referrals to others who might be interested in what you are offering. Even if someone might not be a good fit for your product, chances are good they have colleagues who are. FREE BONUS DOWNLOADS: Get this valuable resource of 29 Growth Hacking Quick Wins that you can use to grow your user base (even without a marketing budget)! Click here to download for free now! We've helped Fortune 500 companies, venture-backed startups, and companies like yours grow revenue faster . get a free consultation 2) Use Twitter for market research A good way to find potential customers experiencing pain you want to resolve is to search online complaints.
Social networks like Twitter whatsapp database are an easy way to do this. For example, if the product you're trying to build competes with Salesforce, you could do a search on Twitter like "Salesforce is complicated." The comments that come up are: 14 ways to get your first 100 customers You can reach out to those users directly and have them chat more about why they think Salesforce is complicated and understand how you can make the product better .
Other online forums are also good for this. A Google search for “Salesforce is too complicated” will find many forums and blog posts discussing why users find it difficult to use. You can better understand the problems your product needs to solve and the capabilities that come with it. You will have a clearer understanding of the words your market is using to describe their problem, so you can write the perfect high-converting sales copy when the time comes . Such searches can also confirm or disprove hypotheses. For example, if you haven't searched for a solution to your Salesforce issue, or if you're seeing a small number of search results on Twitter and Google, you may not have enough issues to resolve.