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Taking steroids at 18
I think taking steroids for muscle gains is an extremely bad idea, and taking finasteride WHILE taking steroids is an even worse idea. You're basically risking liver damage, and you're risking kidney failure. So if you do choose to take the finasteride and put an end to your male cycle with finasteride, and then switch to another form of testosterone like i'm about to tell you about, be aware that this is an irreversible decision, taking steroids after 40. I will tell you that even after switching to the finasteride, you will still be able to get off of these hormones, taking steroids at 16. It just takes a while to happen, like months or even years, taking steroids and drinking. If you're a guy about 20 years old who's been on testosterone for many years and just started taking finasteride in October of last year, I just talked to someone who tried taking finasteride last summer for the first time when she was going through menopause and was having trouble getting off of the hormones. She didn't get any significant improvement at this point, so I can't recommend what she did. Don't go for the very first time, especially if you've been on testosterone for a long time, taking steroids and birth control. If you don't get any significant improvement for months at a time, or even a few months at a time, switch to another form of testosterone or stop all treatment, taking steroids at 18. You may want to go back on hormones and take finasteride for a second cycle. Or you might want to use an implant, especially if you have a very large penis or are on testosterone, taking steroids at 18. But you need to make sure that you're doing yourself right, and you need to look into the long-term potential harm of hormones. It's also important because we're talking about using finasteride after a lot of men have gone thru menopause and used androgen therapy for quite some time before switching to finasteride, taking steroids at age 60. So if you're going through this in menopause, you need extra protection. And that's one thing I'm going to talk about in this session. So with that, here's the full outline for today. I talk about some of it, and I talk about some of my opinions, and then I'll have the other guy on speed dial and ask them a lot of questions about their experience taking finasteride, taking steroids and birth control. This is a very complex subject involving multiple hormones. The best way I think to do this session is to first do two things. One is to do something to get a sense of the hormones that you are looking at taking, taking steroids for 10 years.