Key Notes on Voice Search Optimization: Conversation, Content and Context Posted: 2020-11-18 Alexander Supertramp / Voice search, the topic that's on the virtual tip of every marketer's tongue, currently accounts for one in five Google mobile searches - and that number is expected to grow over time as digital assistants and devices smart home devices are becoming more common. For modern SEO, the shift from manual text queries to voice commands has been subtle over time,
but the potential impact over the next few years could be a game-changer. To prepare for the voice search revolution, it's critical that marketers understand the difference between market growth and consumer adoption, the nuances of conversational jewelry retouching service search and natural language, and the role that AI and machine learning play into SERP responses. Just like with any emerging trend in our industry, it's important to plan now to ensure you stay ahead of the search curve.
Level up over time and target higher value opportunities. This is a repeatable and scalable process that we have found to be effective. Of course, you will need to tweak and adjust this process a bit to suit your unique situation and needs. However, I hope you can take the key lessons we learned from this project and apply them to your own strategy. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and not necessarily of Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.